Sensor Development, Integration, Test & Evaluation, Optimization and Mapping Configurations
Sensor System Resources Provided by Trusted Professionals
Our sensor system resource team at Spectral Systems Integration can keep you informed and updated on the science behind our services and how our technologies can help you. Our sensor systems team has prepared and published these resources to help you better understand what we can offer.
Supporting 24/7 Airborne - Sensing and Imagery System (Chemical, Radiological, and Situational Awareness)
Multi-Role Concept
Atmospheric Characterization
Emergency Response
Homeland Security
Removal/Remedial Characterization
Hurricane Response
Insurance Industry Support
Mapping and Measurement
Oil Reclamation and Recovery
Power Grid Recovery
Users/Partners include:
Operational Concept
Provide 24/7 readiness - multiple aircraft types available
Provide a simple, one-phone-call activation of the airborne platform.
Once on site, data is automatically collected and downloaded to the ground.
Reach-back Scientific Analysis and Support available.
Deployment Simplified:
Once on the scene, collect chemical, radiological, or situational data (imagery) using established collection procedures.
Process all data within the aircraft using proven automated algorithms.
Extract the near real-time data from the aircraft using specific communications systems and rapidly QA/QC the data by a dedicated scientific reach-back team.
Provide the qualified data to the first responder and decision makers enabling them to make informed decisions in minimal time.
Numerous Deployments
Over 175 Deployments
~550 Sorties (Flights)
24+ Scientific Studies
67 Emergency Responses
International Recognition
Numerous Field Training Exercises (FTXs)
Multiple National Security Special Events (NSSE)
Multiple Events With High Special Event Assessment Rating (SEAR)
Terabytes of Data Collected
Fully FAA-Certified Aircraft and Pilots
FAA Part 107
FAR Part 91
FAR Part 135
Contact Our Sensor Systems Company
For all your sensor system needs, Spectral Systems Integration, LLC is here to provide you with cutting-edge solutions and technology to deliver excellent results. To get started, please give us a call or send us an email. We hope to serve you soon.
Sensor Support and Platform Integration
Supporting 24/7 Airborne - Sensing and Imagery System (Chemical, Radiological, and Situational Awareness)
Multi-Role Concept
Atmospheric Characterization
Emergency Response
Homeland Security
Removal/Remedial Characterization
Hurricane Response
Insurance Industry Support
Mapping and Measurement
Oil Reclamation and Recovery
Power Grid Recovery
Users/Partners include:
Operational Concept
Provide 24/7 readiness - multiple aircraft types available
Provide a simple, one-phone-call activation of the airborne platform.
Once on site, data is automatically collected and downloaded to the ground.
Reach-back Scientific Analysis and Support available.
Deployment Simplified:
Once on the scene, collect chemical, radiological, or situational data (imagery) using established collection procedures.
Process all data within the aircraft using proven automated algorithms.
Extract the near real-time data from the aircraft using specific communications systems and rapidly QA/QC the data by a dedicated scientific reach-back team.
Provide the qualified data to the first responder and decision makers enabling them to make informed decisions in minimal time.
Numerous Deployments
Over 175 Deployments
~550 Sorties (Flights)
24+ Scientific Studies
67 Emergency Responses
International Recognition
Numerous Field Training Exercises (FTXs)
Multiple National Security Special Events (NSSE)
Multiple Events With High Special Event Assessment Rating (SEAR)
Terabytes of Data Collected
Fully FAA-Certified Aircraft and Pilots
FAA Part 107
FAR Part 91
FAR Part 135
Contact Our Sensor Systems Company
For all your sensor system needs, Spectral Systems Integration, LLC is here to provide you with cutting-edge solutions and technology to deliver excellent results. To get started, please give us a call or send us an email. We hope to serve you soon.